Have questions? Send an email to [email protected]
***2/7/25 UPDATE: We are pleased to share that Somers Public Schools will be organizing another Community Open Forum to discuss the HVAC Project on February 20th at 5:30pm. Location to be determined.***
Frequently Asked Questions:
When will construction begin at SES?
- This project will be completed in phases. “Phase One” will begin in the spring of 2025, when contractors will remove some ceiling tiles to access areas for ordering materials. This must be approved by the fire marshal and building inspector.
How long will the HVAC project last?
- The HVAC project is expected to be completed in 2027.
When will 5th graders move to MBA?
- The current plan is to have students transition to MBA in the fall of 2025.
Will 5th grade have the same start and end to the school day as MBA?
- Yes, grade 5 will operate under the MBA start and end times. Click this website link for school hours Information - Mabelle B. Avery Middle School
How will specials, such as art, music, and physical education, be managed?
- Students will participate in art, music, and physical education at MBA.
What will the intervention and special education services look like for these students?
- Services will be delivered in a similar fashion as at SES, and all IEP-mandated hours will be met.
What is the library setup for the 5th-grade students?
- Students will have access to age-appreciated books for grade 5 and faculty and staff will assist students in choosing just a “just right” book from a library section dedicated for grade 5 students.
What will lunch be like for grade 5 at MBA?
- The lunch period for all students across the district is 30 minutes. At MBA, one grade level at a time eats lunch together which is the same at SES.
Will grade 5 be charged the SES lunch prices or the middle school lunch prices?
- Grade 5 lunch will be the cost and offerings currently at MBA. Please click on this link to view MBA lunch and price offerings: https://www.fdmealplanner.com/#Somers
Why can’t Kindergarten attend MBA?
- The physical space available at MBA is not conducive to kindergarten students.
Why can’t portables be used while the project is being completed?
- There are safety and security concerns, students would have to be escorted into the building for bathroom use or to be dismissed. Also, the cost would exceed 1 million dollars over the course of the project.
Can Kibbe Fuller be used for this?
- It is an occupied town building where Human Services and the Town Recreation offices are housed.
Will 5th Graders have a dedicated bus?
- We are exploring that option with First Student and will provide more information when available.
What about after-care for students?
- The Parks and Recreation Department is receptive to supporting after-care students at MBA.
Will students still have snacks and recess?
- Yes.
Will students switch classes?
- Students would either be in a fully self-contained model or only switch for Math/Science and ELA/Social Studies with their grade-level teachers. This is still being discussed among administration.
Will the workers on the project be vetted?
- Yes, workers will go through our Raptor system.