Health Services

Health Assessments (Physical Examinations)

In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, Section 10-206, the Somers Board of Education requires each sixth and tenth-grade student to have a health assessment. This mandated health assessment may be performed anytime after the student's last day of fifth/ninth-grade year through September 1 st of the seventh and eleventh-grade year. The exam must be performed by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine (M.D. or D.O.) who is licensed in Connecticut or another state, or by an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant licensed to practice in Connecticut.

The health assessment must be documented on the State Department of Education's required health assessment record (HAR-3) or " the blue form” and must contain the following information the following:
1) Review and update of state-mandated immunizations to ensure compliance with requirements (obtain information from any health office within district).
2) Hemoglobin or hematocrit, blood pressure, height and weight, vision, hearing, speech, postural and gross dental screenings;
3) Risk assessment for tuberculosis.

If a parent or legal guardian (or student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor) objects:
-- Immunizations - a signed copy of the Immunization Exemptions form with notary must be on file or submitted to the school nurse along with complete HAR3 form.

If a mandated immunization is contraindicated for medical reasons, a written statement from the health care provider, including the reason for continued deferment, must be submitted to the school nurse along with the completed HAR-3 form.


Somers school nurses provide the following mandated screenings for students, as required by CT General Statutes, Section 10-214 in the following grades. These are screening exams and are not meant to take the place of any professional vision, hearing and other medical evaluations. Although screenings are conducted annually in specific grades, they can also be performed on request for any child if a parent, teacher or nurse has a concern about the student's ability to see, hear or perform in school.
Vision - Students in Grades K,1,3,5
Hearing - Students in Grades K,1, 3,4, 5
Postural Screenings - Female Students - Grades 5&7; Male Students - Grade 9
The parents/guardians of students will be given notification prior to beginning the screenings. Please notify the school nurse in writing if you do not want your child screened. Students who need further evaluation by a physician will be notified. Parents should return the referral form to the school nurse after it has been completed by a physician.

Illness at school

The school nurse will ask a parent/guardian to pick up any student who becomes ill during school hours or who has an illness or injury that, in the professional judgment of the school nurse, needs to be observed at home or assessed by a medical doctor. Examples include:
-- Fever over 100 degrees
-- Seizure
-- Severe asthmatic episode
-- Head injury
-- Generalized allergic reaction
-- Communicable illness
-- Injury requiring stitches
-- Fracture
-- Possible soft tissue injury
-- Dental injury
Students must not leave school because of illness without authorization from the school nurse or administrator, and must be signed out by a parent/guardian.

Staying Home Due to Illness

To safeguard the health of all students/staff, we ask parents to monitor their children for possible communicable diseases and to keep their children home when they are ill or contagious. Please notify the school via the attendance line if your child will be absent. Children must be kept home from school if they:
Have a fever over 100.0
--Must remain home for 24 hours after an elevated temperature returns to normal without medication for treatment
Have vomited in the past 24 hours
Have more than one episode of diarrhea
Have copious yellow/green mucus discharge from nose
Have a severe sore throat with symptoms indicating possible strep throat;
--Remain at home after a throat culture until the results are available and regardless of health care provider advice;
--For 24 hours after their first dose of medication with a diagnosis of strep throat, to prevent the spread to other students/ staff

Have conjunctivitis (pink eye) with discharge;
--then remain home until the prescribed treatment has been given for 24 hours;
Have a communicable illness

Medication Administration

Medication administration in school is strictly regulated. Medication that must be administered during school hours, which includes; daily, short term use, as needed, over-the-counter and emergency medication must be ordered by an authorized prescriber. Authorized prescribers include; physician, dentist, advanced practice registered nurse, or physicians assistant.
A completed medication order must be on the following form.
Authorization for the Administration of Medication by School, Child Care, and Youth Camp Personnel
-- The form and the medication should be returned to the nurse’s office by a parent or other responsible adult (over the age of 18)and given to the nurse directly.
-- Medication must be in the pharmacy bottle, properly labeled, and contain no more than a 3 month supply.
-- Over the counter medication (OTC) (i.e., Tylenol, Tums, Advil or Motrin etc.) must be brought in the original unopened container. These medications are also available at the health office but can only be administered with a prescriber’s order on file. These orders are valid for a maximum of 1(one) school year.

Self-Administration of Medication

Students are permitted to carry and self-administer the following rescue medications with medical and parental authorization;
Authorization for the Administration of Medication by School, Child Care, and Youth Camp Personnel - Self Administration
EpiPens, inhalers, and insulin. Doctor, parent and school nurse approval for self-administration must be on file.
Students are responsible for keeping their medication on them at all times. Students are responsible for carrying their own medication on school day field trips.

Overnight Field Trips

All medication for field trips beyond the regular school day/overnight will require a physician’s order and parent authorization. It is best to speak with the school nurse well in advance of a field trip to plan accordingly.
Field Trip Medical Permission Form
Field Trip Medical Permission - Self-Administered Form