
Vision Statement

The vision of the Somers Public Schools is to challenge our students and staff to pursue excellence, foster creative expression and to develop a concern for the quality of life for all. Our vision embraces a culture and environment that: promotes life long learning; develops self worth; supports uniqueness and diversity; values independence and interdependence; inspires community and parent involvement; and empowers individuals to make choices that lead to lives filled with dignity, respect, happiness and opportunity.


Office Hours

September - June
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM

July - August
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 3:00PM

Business Office Staff

Mrs. Stephanie Levin 
Business Manager - x2035

Mrs. Lisa Bergamini 
Payables - x2036

Mrs. Sharon Ouellette
Payroll / HR Benefits - x2027

Mrs. Lori Caron 
HR Specialist - x2038